Monday, October 26, 2009

Milking it

I've (Vicki) been enjoying some award success recently. We picked up a Roses Award and a Fresh Award for a mailer I did.

It was a one off piece to big up our experience of dealing with breakfast cereals - all those years working on Kellogg's.

Copy by Jerry Gross. Typography by Simon Thorpe.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I (Neil) have been scuttling away on a little project for a fencing company over the summer and the results are for all to see on a little known website called Creative Review. The pictures were done by the very lovely Mr. Chris Leah.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life in Black and White

Hi....christ this year has flown by. This ^ is out there now - written, directed in super fast time, 3 mochas on the shoot and it was all over. I'm just doing a 30 second version so it can be used as delivered video ads online. Nice.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh well.

So we didn't win the Yorkshire Tourist Board work, it was a bit of a shame considering we did some pretty good stuff for it (even though i say so myself, cough). But at least this lot didn't get it. Phew.

I suppose I can only hope the winning route looks half as good as this.....



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New year, new erm, danger. No, rules - maybe...

Yes, 2009. is it going to be the year of doom like everyone says?
Christmas was weird in that a few more big High Street names went, I wandered around Woolworths and there was a strange feeling in the air (and smell) it was like people were itching for a bargain and were buying anything. Odd.
Still, in this doom and gloom i reckon we need to be strong and clever and just think about what's the right tone to speak to people in these 'difficult times'. The strong survive and even thrive at times like these.
Fingers crossed.